The classic gin and tonic has been around for centuries, but it’s still considered a girly drink by some. Is that true? In short: no! The truth is that gin and tonic is a delicious, low alcohol drink with health benefits.
The classic recipe calls for only one ounce of gin to three ounces of tonic water plus garnishes like lime wedges or slices of cucumber. That means one serving contains just over one-third the alcohol content of most beers (5% ABV).
And while some might say this makes it less manly than your average beer, I’m here to tell you that there are other ways to make your drink more masculine without sacrificing taste or nutrition!
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Gin and tonic, it just does not sound like a drink for a macho man.
Gin has been around as long as humans have been distilling alcohol. Its popularity soared in the 18th century, when it was used to replace expensive and hard-to-get brandy in mixed drinks. It remains one of the most popular spirits today, but you may be surprised at how many people don’t know what makes gin different or why it’s so tasty.
Gin is made by infusing alcohol with botanicals (usually including juniper berries), then filtering it through charcoal. The resulting clear spirit can be flavored with herbs, spices or citrus peel, bottled at 40% ABV (80 proof) or higher and diluted with water before serving over ice cubes in a highball glass topped with tonic water and garnished with a slice of orange or lemon fruit depending on individual preference.
The key difference between gin and vodka lies in how these two types are distilled: vodka is distilled once; whereas gins are distilled multiple times; which results in higher proof levels than vodka along with fuller flavors from various botanical ingredients such as coriander seed oil among others that help give each style its unique taste profile without sacrificing potency during mixing process.”
Don’t listen to that stereotype!
Gin and tonic is a classic cocktail that’s sure to please, no matter your gender or whether you’re sipping on the patio or in front of the TV. It’s also a low-proof drink, which means it won’t impair your judgment too much after a few shots.
This simple combination of gin and tonic water is refreshing and perfect for sharing with friends on hot summer days; it doesn’t have to be reserved just for girls! A good tonic water contains quinine, which gives it that bitter flavor—but what makes premium tonics so special is the addition of botanicals (including juniper berries). These help counter the alcohol’s diuretic effects, allowing drinkers to feel refreshed rather than dehydrated after one too many gins.
Gin and tonic contains one-third the alcohol content of most beers.
If you’re looking for a low-alcohol drink, gin and tonic is a great choice. It has about one-third the alcohol content of most beers and even less than that if you order your G&T on the rocks. You might be wondering how it can have so little alcohol but still taste good enough to enjoy.
But don’t worry—the answer isn’t anything strange or dangerous (at least no more dangerous than any other kind of booze). The reason gin and tonics tend to be lower in alcohol is because they’re made with tonic water, which contains quinine—a bitter substance that masks alcohol’s sweetness in much the same way bitters do when added to cocktails like Manhattans or Old Fashioneds.The quinine also helps prevent some people from getting hangovers after drinking gin and tonics; however there’s no scientific evidence yet showing that drinking this particular combination prevents hangovers better than any other non-alcoholic beverage would.
There are other benefits of gin and tonic made from premium ingredients.
It’s well known that gin has health benefits. But did you know that gin and tonic made with premium ingredients also has additional benefits?
Gin is distilled from a variety of plant-based botanicals, including juniper berries and coriander seeds. These botanicals contain phytonutrients and antioxidants which may have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are thought to help protect against certain types of cancer, heart disease, and other degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Some studies have also shown they may help improve cognitive function by protecting brain cells from free radicals (NHS).
While there isn’t enough evidence to say that drinking too much alcohol is good for your health (it certainly isn’t), moderate amounts can be part of a healthy lifestyle if consumed in moderation according to the UK government guidelines – one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men (NHS).
Premium tonic waters have health benefits, too.
If you’re a fan of tonic water, and especially if you’ve been drinking it for years, it’s time to be thankful for this refreshingly bitter beverage. Not only does tonic water have a pleasant taste and even more pleasant aroma (at least in my opinion), it also has some health benefits that we should all know about.
The main ingredient in tonic water is quinine, which is an anti-inflammatory derived from the bark of trees belonging to the genus Cinchona in South America. Quinine has been used as a treatment for malaria since colonial times when European explorers were looking for an antidote against this deadly disease they contracted while traveling around Africa or South America. Nowadays quinine is still used as an antimalarial drug but also helps with other conditions such as hay fever or sleep disorders caused by allergies like pollen or dust mites respectively – which makes sense considering that these plants are related too!
Vitamins B3 (niacin) and C are known to support normal energy metabolism so they make us feel less tired after a day full of hard work . Also they lower cholesterol levels while increasing blood circulation; thus resulting in better mental clarity thanks to improved oxygen supply throughout our body . Finally because these vitamins contain antioxidants they protect our cells against harmful substances such as free radicals which cause damage inside cells causing them not function properly anymore (even cancer) leading eventually death if untreated.”
A good gin contains botanicals which may help counter the alcohol’s diuretic effects.
Gin has a reputation for being a girly drink. It’s the go-to for ladies who lunch, or those looking to unwind after a long day at work. But is it really?
Gins and tonics are often looked down upon as “girly” drinks due to their pink hue, but they’re also commonly seen as more of an acquired taste than other cocktails. If you’re not a fan of gin straight up (which I happen to be), then mixing it with tonic water makes it much more palatable and could help you get onboard with this classic cocktail.
There are many reasons why gin enthusiasts choose gin over other alcoholic beverages: its versatility; its botanicals which may help counter the alcohol’s diuretic effects; its flavor profile; how easy it is to make; even how well it pairs with food! But some people might be surprised by one particular benefit: namely that drinking gin could actually boost your health!
Gin and tonic is a delicious, low alcohol drink with health benefits
The gin and tonic is a delicious, low-alcohol drink that can be made using premium ingredients. A good gin will contain botanicals, which may help counter the alcohol’s diuretic effects. The acidity of tonic water has been shown to improve blood flow to your brain by reducing inflammation and improving cholesterol levels in your arteries.
Many people don’t think of gin as being healthy, but if you make it with tonic water from an artisanal producer like Fever Tree or Q Tonic (which actually uses spring water from the French Alps), then it might just surprise you!
In conclusion, gin and tonic is a great drink for anyone who enjoys the taste of gin. It is also a healthy alternative to other alcoholic drinks with similar alcohol content but fewer health benefits. So go ahead and pour yourself one!